Welcome to the amalgamation of all things (Alê)ssandra 🖤
I am an artist, writer, and traveler of the universe. While my work touches across multiple themes and mediums, I find my inspiration lies in the heart of storytelling, spirituality, and the intricacy of human connection.
I was born in September 2003 to Cuban parents and have lived in South Florida all my life. However, my family has a vast multicultural background, ranging from China to the Canary Islands. As such, I also enjoy experimenting with ideas of babelisms, cultural exchange, and the effects of diasporas across the globe.
My research on these subjects manifests through video installations, performances, writing, illustration, and photography.
Creator: Alessandra Henriquez
Creation is life. To live is to create, and in order to have lived, you must have been created. Therefore, to be human is to be a product of and to enact creation. Life is an art, and a creator proves this through their life.
Creation is plural. Creators influence creators, and originality is futile. To create is to embed the life of another into oneself, and to embed one’s life into the tapestry of those who came before and those who will follow ahead.
Creation is unexpected. Creators will not end up where they believe, and they will not believe where they end up.
Creation is personal. To create requires a person. Create with the body. Create with the mind. Create with the heart.
Creation is genuine. Creation will bear one’s soul transparently before the audience that steps into the creator’s four walls. A creator’s deepest thoughts are not theirs alone, and they will only use artifice to express a greater reality.
Creation is necessary. Creation expresses the deepest truths, and it is a freedom from the repression of reality. Creators must create time for more creation in a world starving for creativity.
Creation is eternal. Creation can never be eradicated. The destruction of a creation will only create a new creation. Even when the creator is at rest, creation will persist.
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
BFA Digital Arts (no track),
BS Digital Communications & Media: Digital TV + Multimedia Production,
Minor in Art History,
Certificate in Asian Studies
(Florida International University)
Group Exhibitions / Featured Work
TOY MODELS VOL. 3, curated by Jonathan Perez, Florida International University, Miami, FL
VIDEO AS PERFORMANCE, curated by Tere Garcia, Performance in Flux, Colour Senses Project, Miami, FL
CONGRESSIONAL ART CHALLENGE, Office of Representative Mario Diaz-Balart, Doral, FL
Published Works
“A Look at Feliks Topolski’s Topolski’s Chronicle for Students of World Affairs”, The Front Lines: A Wolfsonian Blog
CTRL+ALT+DELETE FIU BFA Thesis 01 (Fall 2024), curated by Jonathan Perez, Florida International University, Miami, FL