Artist Statement

I have always been inquisitive about the true nature of the universe and the role I play in the grand scheme of life. While I don’t believe every question has an answer that is accessible to humans, with enough investigation, it is possible to reach a conclusion to satisfy oneself.

My work combines performance, drawing, and experimental video to explore themes of human existentialism and identity through my personal experiences, with a goal of formulating a satisfying answer to the questions in my mind. I am greatly influenced by my religious background as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and my identity as a Cuban-American woman, which places me in several areas of society all at once and has encouraged me to question the status quo. As such, my artistic practice serves as an outlet for both spiritual growth and personal growth as I navigate the relationship between myself, society, and the universe.

“A Letter to You, from 3 Years Ago” and “Cleanse” are video artworks where I explored questions related to my existential crisis through spiritual symbolism related to personal life experiences. These videos were filmed with a digital camera and edited in CapCut and Adobe Premiere Pro, with the former piece being a narrative diaristic video and the latter a documented performance. By experimenting with filming myself while performing isolated actions, I created imagery that represents my existentialist thoughts and feelings. With this work, I created an opportunity to examine these ideas with mindfulness and reach a solid conclusion to my ruminations. In doing so, I hope to inspire the viewer to meditate on their own life questions and find the courage to investigate them themselves.